My intention for this month is for us to look at our coping and reactionary processes. To approach the theme as both a noun and a verb. What patterns are already in place for us? What do we naturally do when our expectations are thwarted? And do we even agree with these go-to responses or have they just been around for as long as we can remember?
New problems require new solutions. But it’s hard to create new solutions when we’re unaware of how we built up our current ones. Take this week to notice your emotional processing of situations (Covid-19 is a good retrospective to take). How do the steps of your emotional processing become the actions you take in integrating and coping with new hurdles that arise? Can you map it out, giving archetypical containers to the steps you need to get from point A to point B?
You are an active part of your own life. You are part of the process, not separate from it. You could even go so far as to say that you are the process, because you are. Sure, there are many forces at play, but your own life force--your own will and decisions--are your life, they generate many of the processes that move your life along. The work is to dip into that, to consistently be part of what’s going on and play an active role in the processes that unfold in front of you, because you are unfolding them too.
Forgiveness requires compassion, patience, and the belief that there will be change in the future. These gifts can be hard to give yourself in the midst of a mistake or an unhelpful emotional reaction. But keeping forgiveness as part of your process helps you remain hopeful that change is possible and gives you space to try something different the next time. Our past (re)actions do not determine what we will do in the future, but we can learn from them.
other processing modalities:
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We can process our intentions and set intentions for our processes. It’s about tuning into what’s in front of us and gauging the effectiveness of our reactions.